What We Do

At Neuman Thompson, we support organizations through every stage of your business journey. We focus entirely on labour & employment law, and are proud to have been at the leading edge of our field for nearly 50 years.

Our Areas of Practice

Whether you need day to day advice on a human resources or labour relations issues, a litigator in your corner, or an experienced bargaining agent, you are in the right hands with Neuman Thompson.


Helping your organization navigate investigations to maintain a fair and equitable workplace, including investigations into:

  • Theft
  • Harassment
  • Violence
  • Misconduct
  • Unsafe work environment

Workplace Privacy and Information

In an era of data protection regulations, safeguarding sensitive information is crucial, and we are here to help your organization with:

  • Privacy law navigation
  • Policy development
  • Compliance, to protect both your customers and your business.

OHS: Occupational Health and Safety

We provide guidance on OHS matters to protect employees and minimize legal risks. This includes:

  • OHS compliance
  • Risk assessment and training
  • Respond to OH&S complaints

WCB: Workers’ Compensation Board

Our knowledge of workers' compensation legislation allows us to assist employers in navigating the WCB framework. Some of our areas of expertise include:

  • Claims management and appeals
  • Accomodations

Human Rights

Our services are precisely tailored to address the specific requirements of employers where human rights are concerned, including:

  • Proactive strategies to mitigate risk
  • Investigations
  • Advocacy before human rights commissions / tribunals

Collective Bargaining

Our lawyers work closely with clients to develop and implement effective negotiation strategies for every stage of the bargaining process.

  • Collective agreement interpretation
  • Contract drafting
  • Leading or supporting during negotiations
  • Representation at interest arbitration and mediation

Labour Relations

We provide strategic insight when dealing with unions and can guide you through:

  • Structuring your business to achieve labour relations goals
  • Bargaining, disputes, strikes, and lockouts
  • Urgent cease and desist, injunction and contempt applications to respond to unlawful strikes, and unlawful picketing activities
  • Advocating in grievance and arbitration processes and before other administrative tribunals.

Employment Law

Counsel and advice throughout your employees’ entire journey, including:

  • Hiring
  • Employee performance and management
  • Attendance, discipline, and termination
  • Compensation, pensions, and benefits
  • Occupational health and safety (OHS) matters
  • Representing employers in claims by employees and former employees

Administrative Law

Counsel and advice throughout your employees’ entire journey, including:

  • Hiring
  • Employee performance and management
  • Attendance, discipline, and termination
  • Compensation, pensions, and benefits
  • Occupational health and safety (OHS) matters
  • Representing employers in claims by employees and former employees

A Proven Practice; A Proven Process.

We believe that personalized attention and support is key to navigating labour and employment challenges. Trust in our commitment to understanding your needs, providing clear communication, and delivering effective, tailored solutions every step of the way.

Industries We Serve

  • Food Processing
  • Healthcare
  • Heavy Industry and Manufacturing
  • Transportation
  • Mining
  • Natural Resources
  • Oil & Gas
  • Post Secondary
  • Professional Services
  • Public sector
  • Service Industries
  • Startups and Small Businesses
  • Tech

Protect your business and empower your workforce.

We specialize in legal matters and strategic advice for employers.  If you are looking to get in touch, or just want to learn more, you can reach out to us for more information at any time!