OHS: Occupational Health and Safety

Neuman Thompson helps employers to prioritize workplace safety by providing expert guidance on OHS compliance and risk management.

Our OHS Services

Our deep understanding of occupational health and safety law allows us to support clients in developing tailored safety solutions that protect your business and promote your culture of safety. We provide advice on compliance and draw on our wealth of experience across industries to provide strategic advice for employers.

OHS Policy Development

Customized policies and procedures to ensure compliance with OHS laws and promote safety in the workplace.

Regulatory Compliance Assessments

Thorough evaluations of your business operations to identify and address potential regulatory compliance issues.

Occupational Health and Safety Training

Training programs to educate your workforce about safety practices, reducing the risk of accidents.

Work With Neuman Thompson

We specialize in legal matters and strategic advice for employers. If you are looking to get in touch, or just want to learn more, you can reach out to us for more information at any time.

Practice Areas

Neuman Thompson specializes in all matters related to employment and labour. From strategic advice to litigation services to collective bargaining and everything in between.

Workplace Privacy and Information

In an era of data protection regulations, safeguarding sensitive information is crucial, and we are here to help your organization with:

  • Privacy law navigation
  • Policy development
  • Compliance, to protect both your customers and your business.

Administrative Law

Counsel and advice throughout your employees’ entire journey, including:

  • Hiring
  • Employee performance and management
  • Attendance, discipline, and termination
  • Compensation, pensions, and benefits
  • Occupational health and safety (OHS) matters
  • Representing employers in claims by employees and former employees

Employment Law

Counsel and advice throughout your employees’ entire journey, including:

  • Hiring
  • Employee performance and management
  • Attendance, discipline, and termination
  • Compensation, pensions, and benefits
  • Occupational health and safety (OHS) matters
  • Representing employers in claims by employees and former employees

Labour Relations

We provide strategic insight when dealing with unions and can guide you through:

  • Structuring your business to achieve labour relations goals
  • Bargaining, disputes, strikes, and lockouts
  • Urgent cease and desist, injunction and contempt applications to respond to unlawful strikes, and unlawful picketing activities
  • Advocating in grievance and arbitration processes and before other administrative tribunals.